ICC School last day of term is Wednesday 18th December 2024.
First day of new academic year will start on Tuesday 7th January 2025 Insha’Allah.
Fees are £150 per pupil every term
Please find details of key dates for new academic year on the Term Dates page here
ICC School Start of Term
First day of new academic year will start on Monday 8th January 2024 Insha’Allah.
Fees are £130 per pupil every term
Please find details of key dates for new academic year on the Term Dates page here
Madrassah Summer Holidays
Wednesday 19th July will be last day and then Madrassah will be closed for Summer Holidays. Re-opens Tuesday 5th September 2023
Ramadan and Eid Ul Fitr Holidays
Last day of Madrassah is Tuesday 21st March for Ramadan and Eid ul Fitr Holidays. Madrassah re-opens on Wednesday 26th April.
ICC School End of Term
ICC School last day of term is Wednesday 14th December.
First day of new academic year will start on Tuesday 3rd January 2023 Insha’Allah.
Fees are £130 per pupil every term
Please find details of key dates for new academic year on the Term Dates page here
Eid Ul Adha Holidays
This is to inform you that the Madrassah will be closed for Eid Ul Adha Holidays for 3 days – Friday 8th July – Monday 11th July – Tuesday 12th July
Madrassah will resume again as normal from Wednesday 13th July 2022
Please also note that the Summer Holidays will start from Monday 25th July 2022
The Madrassah will resume again after the Summer break on Thursday 1st September 2022
Full term dates details can be found here
ICC Wembley Ramadan Holidays
Friday 1st April is the last day of Madrassah before breaking up for Ramadan Holidays. Madrassah will re-open on Monday 9th May Insha’Allah
ICC School Start of Term 2022
ICC School first day of term will be Tuesday 4th January 2022
Please ensure you pay first term fees on time
ICC School Summer Holidays
ICC School Summer holidays start from Monday 19th July until Tuesday 31st August. First day back is Wednesday 1st September. Please refer to the School calendar for term dates – Term Dates
ICC School Ramadan Holidays
Friday 9th April is the last day of Madrassah before breaking up for Ramadan Holidays. Madrassah will re-open on Monday 17th May Insha’Allah