ICC School End of Term

ICC School last day of term is Wednesday 18th December 2024.
First day of new academic year will start on Tuesday 7th January 2025 Insha’Allah.
Fees are £150 per pupil every term
Please find details of key dates for new academic year on the Term Dates page here

ICC Wembley is now on eMasjid Live

Important Announcement

Islamic Cultural Centre (Wembley) is now live with eMasjid Live!


Alhamdulillah programmes including Azaans, Bayaans and announcements are now broadcast via eMasjid Live.

What are the benefits of eMasjid Live?

1. The broadcast are of excellent audio quality

2. You can listen to direct broadcasts on the go, on any device, as follows:

– Android Devices – via the Free eMasjid Live app – download via the Google Play Store here:

– iPhones/iPad via the Free eMasjid Live app – download via the Apple app store here:

– Amazon Fire Tablets via the Free eMasjid Live app – download via the Amazon app store here:

– Online on PC/Mac

3. Recordings will be more readily available for programmes conducted in the Masjid – link as follows:

4. Live Notifications: You can receive notifications when our channel is live via the Free Android, Amazon Fire and iPhone/iPad app.
You can also listen on a dedicated home receiver available via eMasjid Live or on your own Android device or Amazon Fire Tablet – autoplay licence is required to be purchased to use your own device as a receiver (no licence required to listen).

5. Digital Home Receiver available online for high quality audio OR use your own Android device or Amazon Fire Tablet as a receiver by adding the autoplay licence (£20).
eMasjid Live will contribute £5 to us for every receiver or licence purchased using the following link: https://emasjidlive.co.uk/affiliate/iccwembley
Note no licence is required for notifications/listening to Masaajid/recordings.

Once the app is installed:
• Allow notifications when asked (iPhone only)
• Select Islamic Cultural Centre (Wembley) from the channel list
• Add to your favourites by clicking on the star on the Islamic Cultural Centre (Wembley) channel page
• Enable notifications for Islamic Cultural Centre (Wembley) channel by clicking on the Enable Notifications button on the player page.

Jazakallahu Khairan

ICC School Start of Term

First day of new academic year will start on Monday 8th January 2024 Insha’Allah.
Fees are £130 per pupil every term
Please find details of key dates for new academic year on the Term Dates page here

ICC School End of Term

ICC School last day of term is Wednesday 14th December.
First day of new academic year will start on Tuesday 3rd January 2023 Insha’Allah.
Fees are £130 per pupil every term
Please find details of key dates for new academic year on the Term Dates page here

Eid Ul Adha Holidays

This is to inform you that the Madrassah will be closed for Eid Ul Adha Holidays for 3 days – Friday 8th July – Monday 11th July – Tuesday 12th July
Madrassah will resume again as normal from Wednesday 13th July 2022

Please also note that the Summer Holidays will start from Monday 25th July 2022
The Madrassah will resume again after the Summer break on Thursday 1st September 2022

Full term dates details can be found here

Important Announcements

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

Dear Respected Brothers & Sisters


1st Announcement

As brothers and Sisters may be aware (from the reminder made last Friday) that the Courtyard work for the Majsid was due to start.

Alhamdulillah, the work has started.
The work being carried out is:
New permanent Roofing and Underfloor heating for the courtyard to be installed Insha Allah.
The total cost of this project will be £45,000.00

We request Brothers and Sisters to make Dua for the project and to donate generously towards the cost of this.

You may contribute by cash in the office, or through bank transfer online.
The payment details are as follows:

Account Name: Islamic Culture Centre (Wembley)
Sort Code: 20-92-60
A/C: 00573396
Bank Name: Barclays Bank
Ref: Construction

May Allah accept from you and your family. Aameen.

2nd Announcement
Because of the ongoing work at the Masjid, Insha Allah, the Jumma Salat this Friday will be held at:

Islamic Cultural Centre Wembley
Community & Education Centre
Monks Park

There will be no Jumma Salat at the existing Masjid.

Certain guidelines we would like all to follow for smooth operation is that:

1) please be mindful of the residents and please keep noise level down at all times.

2) please attend and disperse immediately after the prayer. Please do not hang around outside.

3) please comply with the volunteers at all times

4) please Park your vehicles considerately, do not block driveways and do not obstruct pathways.

5) Because of the limitations, we will “NOT” have any access for females currently. Female prayer facilities for Jummah will be suspended until further notice.

6) If you or any family member have symptoms of Covid, please refrain from attending the congregation.

7) All Attendees will be required to sanitise hands upon entry and will need to wear face masks at all times within the building.
If you are exempt from wearing a face mask, you must clearly have a badge or lanyard displaying your exemption.

3rd Announcement
It is with great sadness, we inform you of the demise of Brother Abdur Rashid (Gas Engineer)
May Allah forgive him, grant him Jannatul Firdaus and grant Family, friends, relatives patience upon this. Aameen.

Insha-Allah, the Janazah Salat will be held at Harrow Central Masjid after Zuhar Salat (1pm) tomorrow.
All are requested to attend Insha Allah.

Jazakumullah Khairan

Imam Abdullah

Open chat
How can we help you?
Asalamualaykum Warahmatullah!

If you have any questions, please feel free to message us on here. We will respond as soon as possible.

JazakAllah Khayran!